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A puppy playing with a rope toy

Fear Free Visitsat The Gentle Vet

The Gentle Vet is the only Fear Free Certified Practice in Akron, Ohio. A "Fear Free" practice for pets refers to an approach in veterinary medicine that emphasizes the reduction of fear, anxiety, and stress in pets during their visits to the veterinary clinic. The Fear Free initiative was established to improve the emotional well-being of pets and enhance the quality of care they receive. A relaxed pet allows for better clinical examinations, leading to more accurate diagnoses.

Fear Free Certified

What does it mean to us to be a Fear Free practice?

  • Gentle Handling Techniques: Using low-stress handling methods to reduce potential trauma.
  • Consideration of the Pet's Perspective: Realizing how certain procedures or handling might be perceived by the pet.
  • Understanding Fear, Anxiety, and Stress (FAS): Recognizing the signs of fear and anxiety in pets and understanding their root causes.
  • Environmental Management: A calming clinical environment for pets by incorporating soothing pheromones, gentle music, and comforting decor.
Fear Free Certified

Fear Free veterinary medicine aims to transform the veterinary visit into a positive experience for pets, focusing on their emotional comfort as well as their physical health.

Call us at (330) 665-5915 to schedule your appointment today!